Mick Jagger rockstar per eccellenza e icona di stile, l'ultimo re del cool, con carisma e stile ha dettato i tempi, i modi, le tendenze dal 1960 in poi..
Ma come definire lo stile di mick?
Il suo look è coraggioso, androgino, lo stile hippy che incontra lo stile preppy..
Un vero e proprio fenomeno di costume, grazie alla capacità di imporre la sua immagine con le sue labbra carnose e il suo corpo esile, su vogue il suo stile è stato definito British-Rocker-Chic: elegantemente graffiante.

Amanti del Vintage non possono negare di essere ispirati dal suo stile con in jeans attillati, camicie e sciarpe al collo.
Il cantante predilige da sempre capi skinny, sia che si tratti di jeans o leather pants, di T-shirt, pulite e dallo scollo rotondo, o felpe in nylon, cardigan e pull over di maglia finissima.
Singer dei Rolling Stones, è un’icona assoluta del rock, ne rappresenta l’essenza più pura , Nella sua voce, nei suoi atteggiamenti, nelle sue movenze, c’è tutta quell’energia trasgressiva che si accompagna alla diabolica Trinità “Sesso, droga e rock’n’roll” eppure nel suo look non sono mai comparse borchie, catene... Anzi!Contrariamente all’immagine del “rocker duro e puro”, Jagger si è anche dato al purismo del total white insomma da figlio dei fiori a giovane dandy degli Anni 70.
Mick Jagger, è uno dei pochi personaggi che ha di gran lunga scavalcato il successo musicale per entrare nel ristretto olimpo delle icone universalmente riconosciute.
Pochi altri sono riusciti in questo:James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, sono fra quei personaggi che hanno superato la loro arte per imporsi, nel tempo, come simboli e icone di stile.
Thank you so much for your post. I like it. Mick normal the very fact that tousle thanks to go on well was to induce back with The Rolling Stones so in Jan 1989 he and Keith well-known critic reformed and that they wrote songs for what was to be the Steel Wheels album. Once the album was discharged The Rolling Stones went on a large worldwide tour with special concerts at London's city district sports ring. Sadly the' in 1992 player of The Rolling Stones Bill Wyman declared his leaving from the cluster that was to be the later year. Even though albeit although even if even theory despite the very fact that} The Rolling Stones were upset to look at him leave they normal the fact that he'd been in there too long and that they had to forgoing. Jagger discharged some a lot of solo stuff throughout this point still it wasn't such winning. In 1994 The Rolling Stones discharged the album Voodoo Lounge and that they went back nomadic. The main The Rolling Stones project while not Bill Wyman. The tour was the most main tour in rock history raising over three hundred million. As this tour was winning they came once more in 1997 with the Bridges album and tour that lasted for 2 years that was combined with the No Security live album and tour. Once the tour was finished Jagger's wedding was on the road as he had another kid from a secret link. Before long once this was recognized the wedding between him and Krauthead Hall had completed. Since then Jogger’s been a movie producer and a solo creative person. He has created the film mystery (2001) and has recorded his 2001 album Goddess within the Doorway another work flop. I’m working Cheap Essay Writing Service company Still ne'er worry as a result of only in the near past the Stones declared a fortieth day of remembrance tour which it'll begin